Industrial Lumber

What is Industrial Lumber? Frankly, it’s the leftovers, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a necessary or competitive market. Industrial lumber has a number of important uses that support businesses and the economy. Industrial Lumber differs from higher grade lumber that’s used in new home construction and remodels. 

Softwood Industrial Lumber includes  labels like economy, non-grade, #4, and #3. These products may contain more or less cracks, knots, and bark depending on the mill that supplies them. In some cases, like “non grade,” the material didn’t make the #2 construction grade and isn’t graded further – it can be great stock for pallets.

Hardwood Industrial lumber is generally not clear enough to be used in moulding, flooring, or cabinets – although some flooring can come from the lower grades. Hardwood pallet lumber is usually anything graded lower than Select (SEL). In order, that’s #1 Common (1C),  #2A Common (2C), #2B Common (3AC), or #3A Common (3BC). The most common use for industrial lumber is wood packaging. This includes wood pallets, crates, and boxes for shipping manufactured goods safely around the world.

custom cut lumber

Softwood Lumber

Hardwood Lumber Wisconsin

1×4, 1×6, 1×8, 1×10, 1×12 S4S and S3S Boards

1x Material is commonly used as framing for crates and boxes. It is also used for deck boards and bottom boards on pallets. S4S stands for “surfaced 4 sides” meaning it has been planed to a standard size. S3S means it has been resawn from 2x material and one side is rough.

2×4, 2×6, 2×8, 2×10, 2×12 SPF and SYP

2x Material is commonly used as framing for crates or boxes. It is also used for deck boards and bottom boards on heavy duty applications where thin hardwood or 1x boards are inadequate. Solid lumber boxes use wider 2x boards for strength and ease of assembly. Solid 2x decks can support significant weights.

4×4, 4×6, 6×6, 6×8, and 8×8 SPF, DF, SYP Timbers

Timbers are used in the heaviest duty applications in wood packaging primarily as skids or runners under large pallets or boxes. Timbers are also commonly used as dunnage or blocking under heavy equipment or angle-cut to provide wedges for large round parts like  wire, rolls, tubes, culverts, and pipes.

Products Offered


Softwood 2x

2x4 lumber

Softwood 1x

1x resawn lumber







Cut Stock



Our purpose is to reduce wood waste. This reduces costs and the over-consumption of our forests.


About Us


Before you reach out…

There is only so much time in a day. To maximize our impact, we try to work with companies interested in lumber or wood packaging waste and cost reduction that also purchase over $50,000 annually.








PO Box 43 Mukwonago, WI 53149